The diseased Vermehrung of a gene contributes to the emergence of cancer of the breast, as German scientists found out.
The investigation of Gewebsproben could increase additionally to the mammography the early recognition.
German new generation researchers found an important cause for the emergence of cancer of the breast. The discovery patented meanwhile supplies reference points for a safer cancer of the breast diagnosis and a better treatment of a kind of this illness, reported the university clinic Hamburg Eppendorf on Tuesday.
It concerns the diseased Vermehrung of certain genes with cancer of the breast. The graduate students Frederik get and to Phillip steel from the team of Ronald Simon of the university clinic its work in the expenditure for on-line of the journal “Nature Genetics” published.
Since longer it is well-known that diseased Vermehrungen gene amplifications so by genes, mentioned, with which emergence of cancer of the breast plays a role. By investigations at fabric samples of more than 2,000 female patients the researchers found out now that in more than 20 per cent of the cases the gene ESR1 is present several times.
More purposeful therapy
By the gene ESR1 a protein one code, which binds the female sex hormone Östrogen, the Östrogen receptor in such a way specified. The excessive formation of the Östrogen receptor is one of the most important well-known causes for the emergence of cancer of the breast. Therefore the Östrogen receptor to time the most important attack target of the medicamentous therapy is. Östrogen receptor amplification in can be already proven in good-like fabric changes and be such a first indication for a cancer illness beginning. That would make an earlier, more purposeful and more effective therapy possible.
In a second study the Wissenschafter evaluated therefore the data and fabric samples of 175 breast cancer patients, who had been treated with the active substance Tamoxifen directed against the Östrogen receptor. It determined that those female patients, with whom a ESR1-Amplifikation was appropriate for the excessive formation of the Östrogen receptor to reason responded particularly well to the therapy.
If the Vermehrung of the gene proves even with further breast cancer patients than a cause, surface covering standard investigations could be introduced with each again discovered cancer of the breast.